Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Construction Work Safety

Construction Hazards

Construction is a high hazard industry that comprises a wide range of activities involving construction, alteration, and/or repair. Examples include residential construction, bridge erection, roadway paving, excavations, demolitions, and large scale painting jobs. Construction workers engage in many activities that may expose them to serious hazards, such as 
  • falling from rooftops
  • unguarded machinery 
  • being struck by heavy construction equipment
  • electrocutions 
  • exposure to molds, fungi and bird or rodent droppings
  • pain or injury from physical overexertion, repetitive manual tasks, or working in awkward positions.
  • exposure to lead, wood dust, asbestos, paints, solvents, and other toxic chemicals or materials.
  • working in extreme temperatures and UV radiation.
  • working with hand tools, powered tools and heavy powered equipment.
  • excess vibration in the hands, arms or body from powered tools or equipment
  • confined spaces
  • noise
  • working at heights
  • electrical hazards
  • respiratory hazards from wood dust
  • explosion and fire hazards from combustible dusts


For construction, the 10 OSHA standards most frequently included in the agency's citations  were:
  1. Scaffolding
  2. Fall protection (scope, application, definitions)
  3. Excavations (general requirements)
  4. Ladders
  5. Head protection
  6. Excavations (requirements for protective systems)
  7. Hazard communication
  8. Fall protection (training requirements)
  9. Construction (general safety and health provisions)
  10. Electrical (wiring methods, design and protection)

Preventive Measures for Construction Workers
  1. Scan the workplace for existing and potential hazards before work begins and take appropriate controls. Be aware that conditions can change constantly.
  2. Inspect all equipment and machinery for any defects before work begins.
  3. Keep tools and equipment in good working order.
  4. Use correct personal protective equipment and apparel, including safety footwear.
  5. Keep all work areas clear of clutter and equipment.
  6. Avoid awkward body positions or take frequent breaks.
  7. Learn safe lifting techniques.
  8. Have training before beginning any task, especially high risk activities such as working at heights, hazardous energy control (lockout/tag out), or confined space entry.
  9. Follow a recommended shiftwork pattern, and be aware of the associated hazards.
  10. Be aware of seasonal hazards from working in extreme temperatures.
  11. Know how to get help in an emergency for working alone situations.
  12. Be aware of the emergency response plans before work begins

Laws (click on the law for details)
  1. Law no. 1 of 1970 on Occupational Safety
  2. Ministerial Regulation NO. PER. 01 / MEN / 1980 about OSH on Building Construction
  3. SKB MENAKER and MENTERI PEKERJAAN UMUM No.174/MEN/1986 and No.104/KPTS/1986

Construction Projects

Project Characteristics
  1. Project time is limited - time period, start time (project start and finish time (final project) are certain.
  2. The result is not repeated - the product of a project is only one, not a routine or repeating product (Manufacturing).
  3. Having different stages of activity, with a few initial patterns, increasing, decreasing and constant.
  4. Intensity of activities (stages, planning, stages of design and implementation).
  5. Many kinds of activities that require a diverse power classification.
  6. Specific project land and location,
  7. Specific project specifications - requirements relating to the materials, tools, personnel and implementation methods that have been established and must meet the requirements procedures.

Project Classification
  1. Building construction project
  2. Residential construction/ Real Estate project
  3. Civil engineering construction projects / Heavy Engineering Construction projects - generally projects that enter this type of infrastructure projects such as dams, highways, bridges, tunnels, railways, ports
  4. Industrial construction projects - specifications and special requirements: oil refineries, heavy industry or basic industries, mining and nuclear

OSH Maintenance on Construction Projects
  • Begin at the planning stage
  • The elements involved:
    • Management commitment
    • Establishment of OSH units
    • Establishment of P2K3 organization
    • Framework and task description
    • Activity activities
    • Internal and external supervision

Specific Object on Construction Projects
  • Place and work environment
  • Tools, machines, installations
  • Scaffolding
  • Stairs
  • Lifting device
  • Construction equipment / heavy equipment
  • Construction under / ground / water
  • Excavation
  • Erection
  • Steel / concrete work
  • Welding work
  • Work support / finishing

  • Administrative requirements
  • Visual inspection
  • Load testing
  • Recommendations / Permits
Personnel Competence:
  • Entry requirements
  • Training
  • Evaluation
  • Certification
  • Licence
  • Appointment

Competence Certification
A. Project > 6 months > 100 people
  • Min. 1 Main Expert
  • Min. 1 Expert
  • Min. 2 Young Experts
B. Projects < 6 months < 100 people
  • Min. 1 Expert
  • Min. 1 Young Expert
C. Project < 3 months < 25 people
  • Min. 1 Young Expert
D. Scaffolding technicians must be licensed


  1. How did the responsible party manage this elements of safety to the construction workers?

    1. Parties who are responsible for the safety and health of the workers need to make sure all the workers follow all the precautions by conducting a regular (usually weekly) site inspections. Besides, a special training program is provided to all employees so that they have the knowledge and skills to perform their work in a way that is safe for them and their co-workers. The responsible parties also analyze injury and illness trends, so that common cause patterns can be identified and prevented.

  2. What is the action to be taken if accidents occurred while working in the building?

    1. 1. If someone has been hurt or fallen ill at work, act quickly to ensure their safety and make any dangerous conditions safe. Treat minor injuries and wait for proper medical help. By law, you must provide basic first aid equipment including sterile plasters and bandages and ensure staff knows where to find it.

      2. You are obliged to report some work-related accidents. If one of your staff is seriously injured, you are legally obliged under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) to report the incident to the HSE Incident Contact Centre as soon as possible.

      3. Keep records of any serious injuries and incidents. This is a legal requirement and the information must include the time, date and brief description of what happened.

      4. Prevent accidents from happening by carrying out a thorough risk assessment. The most common are slips and falls, followed by lifting and carrying injuries. Look out for potential hazards such as uneven floor surfaces, and make sure you have policies and procedures for handling heavy objects and dangerous substances.

      5. After you have identified workplace risks, compare what you currently do with what is accepted as good practice. List what needs to be done, for example, organize work to reduce exposure to the hazard or issue safety equipment.

      6. By law, all employers with five or more employees must implement a written health and safety policy and record the findings of their risk assessment. You can download risk assessment and policy templates from the HSE website.

      7. Talk to your staff about safety issues. Their feedback will help make your workplace healthier and safer. Display health and safety information and promote a better workplace by getting everyone involved.

      8. Stay up to date with legislation changes to remain compliant. Don't forget to review your health and safety policy if you adopt new work practices or take on new people.
